Physical Sciences

The physical science program provides students the opportunity to investigate diverse methods of inquiry by experiencing courses from a cross section of science disciplines. Students will develop critical thinking skills, learn to communicate effectively in writing, and acquire an understanding of major scientific concepts.

students studying plants

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - Guided Pathway Division

The physical science program provides students the opportunity to investigate diverse methods of inquiry by experiencing courses from a cross section of science disciplines. Students will develop critical thinking skills, learn to communicate effectively in writing, and acquire an understanding of major scientific concepts. Through course options, students will use mathematical concepts to solve problems and employ methods of scientific inquiry to understand the world around them. Completion of the degree requirements will prepare students with the skills and resources needed to facilitate academic and career decisions. Competencies will be assessed through regularly scheduled theory and laboratory examinations.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the degree program, students will be able to:

  • Trace the development of a scientific idea from gathering of data through development of a hypothesis to testing a prediction.
  • Problems students will make scientific measurements and demonstrate the difference between disagreement and error.
  • Read a simple graph or diagram and interpret the results appropriately.

program mapper

Course Catalog

Contact Information

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Guided Pathways Division

Abiodun Osanyinpeju, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Learning
(310) 900-1600, ext 2727

Division Chair

Physical Science Faculty

Leonard Clark
(310) 900-1600, ext. 2337

Karla Coti, Ph.D.
(310) 900-1600, ext. 2317

Schetema Nealy, Ph.D.

Kent Schwitkis, Ph.D.
(310) 900-1600, ext. 2423
MS-Room 124

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