
Spring 2025 Programs

L-SSC Open House - Wednesday, March 12: 12-2 pm.

Join us for an afternoon of exploration throughout the L-SSC! Learn about the various resources and services available to you and meet staff from each department.

Complete the Scavenger Hunt and enter to win $100-$250 gift cards from the opportunity drawing! Light refreshments will be available.
Flyer for L-SSC Open House on March 12, 2025

Library Bookmark Design Contest - March 24-April 27

The Library invites currently registered Compton College students to submit designs for the new Library bookmarks! The design theme for 2024-25 is Know Your Rights.

Visit Contest Website

Library Bookmark Design Contest poster


First, second, and third place will receive VISA GIFT CARDS.
  • First Place: $200
  • Second Place: $150
  • Third Place: $100
Fourth and fifth place will receive COLLEGE-BRANDED PRIZES.

The top five designs will also be printed on Library bookmarks to promote Compton College Library's resources and services, with the student's name and design prominently featured.



Currently enrolled Compton College students are eligible to participate. Students who are also employed as classified/certificated employees of Compton College are NOT eligible. However, Federal Work Study students are excluded from this and may enter the contest.

Criteria for Bookmark Design

Create a bookmark design that expresses the theme, Know Your Rights.

The design must:
Prepare the design as a file saved in .JPG or .PDF format.

How to Submit Your Design

  1. Email your file to with the subject line "Bookmark Design Contest" between March 24 and April 27, 2025.
  2. In the body of your email, include your first and last name and your Compton College student ID number. This information is required so winners can be contacted and have identities verified for prize pickup.  
Submissions sent before contest starts or after the contest deadline will not be considered. Limited to ONE design submission per student.

Copyright Information

Students are responsible for submitting original work. Derivative artwork from other licensed or copyrighted works are NOT allowed and will be disqualified. Compton College is not liable for copyright violations committed by students.  

All design submissions are the intellectual property of the creating student.


Round 1: Jury Panel, April 28-May 2

Student submissions will first be reviewed by Library staff to determine if they've met all design criteria outlined in the contest rules.

Qualifying submissions will then be forwarded to a jury panel comprised of Compton College librarians and art faculty. 

Judging Criteria
  • Theme 
  • Originality
  • Composition
  • Visual impact
Using the judging criteria, the jury panel will choose the TOP FIVE designs on April 28.
On May 5, these designs will be announced on the contest's Google Site, the Library homepage, the Canvas Library Page, and at the Circulation Desk inside the Library for campus voting.

Round 2: Campus Voting, May 5-11

After the top five designs have been selected by the jury panel, they will be available to view online at the contest's Google Site, the Library homepage, and in person at the Circulation Desk inside the Library. 

Compton College students, faculty, and staff are invited to VOTE either in person at the Circulation Desk inside the Library or through the online form.
You may vote ONCE for your favorite design.

Tallied votes will determine the winners. In case of a tie, the Dean of Student Success will cast the tiebreaking vote. 


Image of decor layer 3 Image of decor layer 2 Image of decor layer 1

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Image of Compton College graduate student waving to crowd