Join our NEW MESA Program!
The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) provides academic and support
services for economically and educationally disadvantaged students majoring in calculus-based
science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics fields who seek to transfer to
four-year institutions to complete a baccalaureate degree.
- Student Eligibility
To be eligible for the MESA Program, you need to meet the following criteria:
- Pursue a calculus-based math, engineering, or science transfer major
- Plan to transfer to a four-year college/university
- Financial need (receive financial aid)
- Educationally underserved
- Enroll in at least 6 units every semester including at least one math or science course.
- What does the program offer?
The community college MESA program provides academic support for students interested
in math, science, or engineering to transfer to a four-year institution.
Other benefits include:
- A Study Center
- Academic Excellence Workshops
- Academic, career, and financial aid advising
- Transfer assistance
- Assistance in applying for scholarships, internships, and research experiences for
- Field trips
- Related enrichment programs
- How do I apply to the MESA Program?
Send an email to stemcenter@compton.edu and request a program application or stop by our MESA|STEM Center; we are located
in L-SSC 215 inside the Student Success Center.