Policy and Important Information

Financial Aid Policies and Important Information

The information below will assist you with completing the financial aid process as well as understanding your rights and responsibilities as a financial aid recipient.

California College Promise Grant (CCPG) [formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver] Appeal Information

If you have completed a FAFSA or Dream Act Application, please go to comptoncollege.verifymyfafsa.com to complete your CCPG/BOG Appeal.

Please visit the Financial Aid Office (E-17) to obtain a copy of the CCPG/BOG Appeal form.

NOTE: Foster youth (under the age of 24) and CCPG/BOG F recipients are EXEMPT from appealing for both the CCPG/BOG Fee Waiver and Enrollment Priority. These standards are separate from the eligibility criteria for Federal Financial Aid and should not be confused with the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.

CCPG Appeal Fact Sheet

Financial Aid Policies At-a-Glance

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

This policy describes your responsibilities as a financial aid recipient at Compton College to maintain a sufficient grade point average while completing the minimum required units annually to maintain eligibility. For a brief, one-page summary of our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, please review our Financial Aid Minimum Academic Eligibility Standards handout.

Financial Aid Warning and Disqualification Overview

This document serves as an addendum to our satisfactory academic progress policy and is provided to students on Financial Aid Warning and Disqualification to help facilitate a better understanding of their status.

Verification Policy

This policy describes the requirements you must meet if your financial aid application is selected for verification.

Special Circumstances Policy

  • Income Adjustment: Have you lost your job recently? Did you quit your job to go back to school? Have your parents divorced? Have you divorced? Do you have extenuating circumstances related to your income that the financial aid office should be aware of? Please contact the Financial Aid Office for further clarification and assistance on the information needed to verify the Special Circumstances. Students will need to complete verification prior to completing a PJ Appeal for income change.
  • Dependency Override: Unusual circumstances include abandonment by parents, an abusive family environment that threatens the student's health or safety, or the student being unable to locate his parents. In such cases a dependency override might be warranted. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for further clarification and assistance on the information needed to verify the Special Circumstances.
  • Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: For students under the age of 24, that are self-supporting and at risk of being homeless or, unaccompanied homeless youths or unaccompanied, youths at risk of being homeless. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for further assistance on the information needed and what resources that are available.

Student Loan Policy and Overview

An overview of important information and requirements for student loan eligibility at Compton College.

Financial Aid Disbursement Policy and Dates

Information and requirements for student financial aid disbursement for the current academic year. Dates, criteria and how awards are calculated based on student enrollment are included.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

This policy is the Compton Community College District's policy regarding the privacy of student records. This policy also applies to student financial aid records at Compton College.

Understanding your Financial Aid Status

This document provides greater detail and clarity for understanding your Financial Aid status.

Disbursement Rights and Responsibilities

This document serves as valuable reference for understanding your financial aid disbursement. The importance of maintaining your enrollment status during the semester is also emphasized so students can be informed of repayment implications.

How to Order Tax Return Transcripts


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