High School Transition SRC

High School Transition

Guide to Transitioning from High School to the Compton College Special Resource Center (SRC)

This page is designed to help students with disabilities transition from high school to Compton College. It will guide students, parents, and counselors as they begin planning for college.

Difference Between High School and College Disability Services (click here)

To better support and assist in the transition, we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) (click here).

Steps to Enrollment

Successful enrollment requires that students complete the Steps to Enrollment. The intent of the Steps to Enrollment is to ensure that students promptly define their education and career goals, complete their courses, persist to the next academic term, and achieve their educational objectives in a timely manner. Below are the Compton College Steps to Enrollment.

  1. Compton College Application- submit a free CCCApply Admissions Application, online Financial Aid (Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
  2. New Student Orientation- is an introduction to academic programs and support services.
  3. Apply for Special Resource Center (SRC) services and submit disability documentation via the Disability Services tile in the My Compton Student Portal.
  4. Educational Planning- Meet with an SRC counselor and complete an educational plan to identify classes that are required to complete a certificate, degree, or transfer program.
  5. Register for Classes- Student registers for class for the next term.
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