How to Register

Register for Classes

Registration Procedure

Upon completion of the admission requirements, students will receive a registration appointment, called a Time Ticket. Registration appointments are issued by the Admissions & Records Office and indicate the day and hour after which students may register. Students will be able to access their registration appointments via the MyCompton portal. Students may enroll on the date and time indicated or any time thereafter in accordance with the published registration schedule.

Check Time Ticket

  1. Go to MyCompton
  2. Sign in with username and password. If you need assistance with activating your account, click here.
  3. Click on the Student Services Tile
  4. On Profile Page click on Term above your Name and Profile
  5. Choose term
  6. Click on Registration Notices. A drop-down list with your time ticket for the term will be displayed. 

How to Add a Class

  1. Go to MyCompton
  2. Sign in with username and password
  3. Click on Student Services Tile
  4. On your Profile Page, click the Registration and Planning link on the left navigation panel
  5. Click on Register for Classes
  6. Select Term
  7. In the Find Classes tab, search for classes by clicking on the Subject field (e.g.  English) and hit Search
  8. Click Add to add the course to your schedule.
  9. Class is now listed in the Summary. Click on Submit. If no open seats are available, you will be prompted to choose another class or be put on the waitlist.
  10. Review How to Videos if needed

How to Add With Add Code

1. Go to MyCompton
2. Sign in with username and password
3. Click on Student Services Tile
4. On your Profile Page, click the Registration and Planning link on the left navigation panel 
5. Click on Register for Classes
6. Select Term
7. In the Find Classes tab, search for classes by clicking on the Subject field (e.g.  English) and hit Search or use Enter CRN
8 Click Add to add the course to your schedule.
9. An Add Code Authorization box will appear if the faculty provided you with an add code without linking your ID. If the facutly linked your ID with a valid Add Code, you will need to click on Submit to save the changes. See Step by Step.
10. Class is now listed in the Summary. 

How to Drop a Class

  1. Go to MyCompton
  2. Sign in with username and password
  3. Click on the Student Services Tile
  4. On your Profile Page, click the Registration and Planning link on the left navigation panel
  5. Click on Register for Classes
  6. Select Term
  7. Locate the class in the lower right corner in the summary window select the class to drop, select the action drop down box and select the appropriate drop code. Click Submit. The status will update to drop/withdrawal and a Save Successful message will appear.
  8. Check the Academic Calendar or Short-Term Calendar embedded in the list of important dates, for add/drop dates. Look for the following:
  • Last Day to Drop with refund or No Notation
  • Last Day to Drop with a 'W"

10. Review your schedule of classes to make sure the class is not listed. The schedule of classes is located to the left of the summary window


Voluntary Course Drop

It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from a class. Failure to do so may result in a letter grade of W or substandard grade of D or F. Students may drop a class or classes within the refund period and add another class or classes using the fees already paid. Students who fails to properly register or add a class will NOT receive credit for that class. If a student drops after the refund deadline. Student is responsible for payment of all fees.

Check the Academic Calendar or Short-Term Calendar embedded in the list of important dates, for final drop dates.  

A student may drop a class before the refund deadlines and add a class with additional fees if the class is dropped after the refund deadline. In order to add the same class at a different time/date/instructor, the student must request a transfer from both instructors. All transfers are processed through the Admissions Office. Contact the Admissions and Records office at to obtain the appropriate form.

Dropped Due to Attendance

Students who enroll in class but do not attend the first scheduled class meeting may be dropped from the roster and their places given to students on the waitlist. For online classes, the instructor will indicate what she/he considers the first class meeting. 

A student who registers for a class and never attends is still responsible for dropping the class. Failure to officially drop a class by the appropriate deadline may result in a 'W" and may subject the student to any and all fees associated with the class.

Regular attendance is expected of every student. A student may be dropped from class when absences from class exceed the number of units assigned to the course. This rule also applies to excessive absences due to illness or medical treatment. The student who has been absent due to illness or medical appointment must explain the absence directly to the instructor.

Account Hold Due to Nonpayment

All fees, including any optional fees, such as a parking permit or Student Activities Fee (ASB Sticker), that may have been requested at the time of registration, must be paid by the "W" date of each session or a hold will be placed on your account, preventing you from registering for the next and/or future session(s).

Waitlisted students admitted to the class must pay those class fees by the same deadlines, or they may be dropped from all classes.  

Note: Students are liable for all fees unless they drop the class by the published refund deadline date.

Questions? Consult the class schedule/catalog, or speak with a counselor.

How to Add on the Waitlist

  1. Go to MyCompton
  2. Sign in with username and password
  3. Click on Student Services Tile
  4. On your Profile Page, click the Registration and Planning link on the left navigation panel
  5. Click on Register for Classes
  6. Select Term
  7. In the Find Classes tab, search for classes by clicking on the Subject field (e.g.  English) and hit Search
  8. Click  Add to add the course to your schedule.
  9. Class is now listed in the Summary. Click on Submit.
  10. If you see Closed - Waitlisted follow the directions in the red error box: To add yourself to the waitlist, select Action and Waitlist, then Submit changes
  11. You will see a successful save message.

How To Check your Waitlist Number

  1. Click on MyCompton
  2. Sign in with username and password
  3. Click on Student Services Tile
  4. On your Profile Page, click the Registration and Planning link on the left navigation panel
  5. Click on View Registration Information
  6. Select Term
  7. In the bottom window Find Schedule Details Tab
  8. On the bottom Find Waitlist Position. This is your number and represents how many students are before you. If an open seat becomes available and it hits your number you will be notified at your compton email.

Waitlist Notification 

Students on a waitlist for a class must check their Compton College email daily to find out if a space becomes available in the class.  If a space becomes available, an email is sent to the student giving them a specified time to register for the class. Students will not be automatically added to the class. Follow all directions on the waitlist notification email.

The waitlist time periods are listed below:

  • 48 hours to add the class for Winter and Summer classes; and
  • 72 hours for Spring and Fall classes.

If you received an email notifying you of an open seat, follow the steps below to officially add the class:

  1. Log into MyCompton portal and select the Student Services Tile
  2. Click Registration and Planning
  3. Select the Term
  4. Select the waitlisted class, click on the Action drop down menu and select Drop or Withdraw
  5. Now choose Web Registered and click Submit
  6. The status is now  "Registered" and a "'Save Successful' message will appear.
  7. Waitlisted students admitted to the class must pay those class fees by the same deadlines listed above, or they will be dropped from all classes at Compton College.

MyCompton Registration errors

Click for more information regarding registration error messages displayed on your MyCompton portal


Enrollment in courses and programs may be limited to students meeting properly established prerequisites and corequisites.
Enrollment may also be limited due to the following: 

A. Health and safety considerations
B. Facility limitations
C. Faculty workload
D. Availability of qualified instructors
E. Funding limitations
F. Constraint of regional planning
G. Legal requirements imposed by statutes, regulations, or contracts
H. Course Repetition (AR 4225 - Course Repetition Procedure)


Enrollment Priorities - Board Policy 5055

All courses of the District shall be open to enrollment, subject to a priority system that may be established. Enrollment may be limited to students meeting properly validated prerequisites and corequisites, or due to other practical considerations.

The President/Chief Executive Officer is responsible for establishing procedures defining enrollment priorities, limitations, and processes for student challenge, which shall comply with Title 5 regulations.

Reference: Title 5 Sections 51006, 58106, 58108; AR 5055 - Enrollment Priorities (listed below)

Registration Priorities

During registration periods, the following registration priorities shall be followed:

Tier One

  1. Eligible students in Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS, and CalWORKs Groups
  2. Eligible students in groups approved by the Board of Governors. (There are currently no approved groups)

Tier Two

  1. Eligible students in District designated groups.
  2. Eligible In-district new students.

Tier Three

  1. Eligible continuing students.
  2. Eligible Non-district new or returning students.

Tier Four

  1. Other new or returning students.
  2. K-12 dual enrolled students.

Tier Five

  1. Continuing students with 100 or more earned units.
  2. Continuing students on probation for two consecutive terms, and reinstated dismissed students.

Students within each tier will be prioritized randomly. Eligible new students in Tiers One, Two, and Three must have completed orientation and developed a student educational plan to receive priority registration. Students should contact Veterans' Services, Foster Youth, DSPS, CalWORKs or EOPS to receive information on qualifications for these programs and eligibility for priority enrollment.

Tier One - Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS, and CalWORKs, and Board of Governors Designated Priority Groups

  • Veterans - Any qualified member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States
  • Foster Youth - Any student qualified to participate in the Foster Youth Program.
  • DSPS - Any student qualified to participate in and who receives services from DSPS.
  • EOPS - Any student qualified to participate in and enrolled into the EOPS program.
  • CalWORKs - Any student qualified to participate in and enrolled into the CalWORKs program

Tier Two - District Designated and In-District New students.

The student cohorts in Tier Two are members of a cohort approved by the Compton Community College District Board of Trustees to receive priority registration. For the purposes of priority enrollment, these groups shall be treated equally. Students in this Tier must meet the deadlines and requirements of the District. The approved cohorts are listed below and shall be updated, as needed, by the Director of Admissions and Records.

-- District Designated Priority Groups:

  • Associated Students (Student Government)
  • Athletes
  • First Year Experience
  • Honors Transfer Program
  • Compton Promise
  • AB540
  • Homeless

-- Eligible In-District New Students - Refer to Compton College Fact Book and attached document for In-District schools.

Tier Three - Continuing Students and Non-district new and returning

  1. Any continuing student not disqualified from receiving priority registration by other sections of this procedure.
  2. A continuing student is a student who continues enrollment without a break of enrollment of a primary term (fall or spring).
  3. Other Eligible New/Returning Students
    1. Other eligible Out-of-District new students
    2. Eligible returning students

Tier Four - Other New and Returning Students who have not completed one or more of the required activities in the timeframe determined by the District, and K-12 Dual Enrollment students.

  1. Other in-district students who have attended another college, but are new to Compton College
  2. Out-of-district new students
  3. Students returning to Compton College after a break in enrollment
  4. New students that do not complete orientation and/or an educational plan
  5. K-12 Dual Enrolled Students Assignment of the registration appointment time for K-12 concurrently enrolled student is on a first-come, first-served basis. Each K-12 dual enrolled student shall be assigned a registration appointment time based on the submission date of all required documents for admissions (application for admissions, K-12 dual enrollment form, and other documents required by law, regulation, and District policy).

Tier Five - Students on probation for two consecutive primary terms; have reached the 100-unit limit; or have been reinstated following dismissal. Students in this category shall be prioritized randomly.

  1. Probation: Continuing students who are on academic or progress probation for two consecutive primary terms.
  2. One Hundred (100)-Unit Limit.
    • Continuing students who have earned one hundred (100) or more degree applicable semester units
    • Exemptions from 100-unit limit: Units for non-degree applicable English as a second Language or basic skills courses are exempted from the 100-unit limit.
  3. Reinstated from Dismissal
    • Students who have been reinstated following dismissal. Students would have been dismissed for the following: academic dismissal, progress dismissal, or both academic and progress dismissal.
    • Dismissal does not include students who have been expelled or suspended for disciplinary reasons.

Continuous Enrollment for Priority Registration

Continuous enrollment is defined as enrolling at Compton College at least one semester, (excluding summer and winter terms) each academic year and receiving a letter grade, "W" (Withdrawal), CR/NC (Credit?No Credit, or Pass/No Pass on the transcript. (BP 4100.1 - Catalog Rights)

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